The Work I am doing Is Real!

Please forgive me. My apologies to everyone for the break in my writing. The work I am doing here in North Carolina is real work with boots on the ground. When the load becomes too heavy, my writing often falls by the waist side. Please allow me any grace you can and know that I […]
International Peace Has Been Declared

Back to the topic of how I was able to invoke the Bill of Rights and why it was that sometimes I had my full power and in other cases I was back to being held with a boot on my neck. This glitchy behavior was happening because I was unaware of the fact that […]

“So Niti, what in the world does all this Hermetic and Natural Law have to do with Food Freedom and Health Independence!?”… “You lost me at Food Church”… “PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE ME!”… “I am already faithful to my religion”…, or “I am an Atheist”, or “I am cancelling you because you are not talking about what […]

Gender is in everything; everything has its Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes. Here in the physical plane, the paradoxes of gender in the physical form are different and those physical differences cannot be reconciled. They must remain physically separate true to their original manifestation based on the Law of […]
Cause and Effect

The universal law of cause and effect states that for every effect there is a definite cause, likewise for every cause, there is a definite effect. Your thoughts, behaviours, and actions create specific effects that manifest and create your life as you know it. If you are not happy with the effects you have created, then you must change the causes that created them. Change your actions, and you change […]

Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates because nature keeps telling us that the universe is in order. The law ensures we operate in […]